Thursday, December 30, 2010

[SELL] Chocolate Products

Toko Chocolate Online

Delicious Homemade Chocolates & Cakes

Our new site :

Order can be done with YM! or SMS to number 03192062800
Click the product below to zoom the picture

Kotak 6
K-6 Surprise Pral
8,5 x 11 x 3 cm
78 gr
Rp 15,000.00
Kotak 9
K-9 Foiled Special
11 x 11 x 3 cm

120 gr
Rp 25,000.00
Kotak 12
K-12 Special Pralin
11 x 15 x 3 cm

150 gr
Rp 25,000.00
Kotak 12
K-12G Gold Special
11 x 15 x 3 cm

150 gr
Rp 30,000.00
16 Hearts Gift in a box
K-16 Hearts Gift Box
14 x 14cm

225 gr
Rp 40,000.00

Set Heart
SH-1 Set Heart
12 x 12 cm

300 gr
Rp 50,000.00
Choco Bar 1 line
CB-1 Chocolate Bar
11 x 2,5 x 1,5 cm

45 gr
Rp 5,000.00/pc
Praline Flexible Package 1
PGM-1 Gift (L)
7 x 9 x 12cm

300 gr
Rp 30,000.00
Praline Flexible Package 3
PGM-3 Gift (S)
7 x 8 x 10cm

100 gr
Rp 12,500.00
3 Flowers Hand Bucket
3FB 3Flower
Hand Bucket 30cm

60 gr
Rp 15,000.00/pc

2 Flowers Hand Bucket
2FB 2Flowers
Hand Bucket 27cm

45 gr
Rp 10,000.00
Kotak 1
K-1 Single Praline
2,5 x 2,5 x 2,5 cm

15 gr
Rp 3,000.00
Kotak 2
K-2 Double Praline
2,5 x 4 x 8.5 cm

30 gr
Rp 5,000.00
Kotak 3
K-3 Triple Praline
4 x 10 x 3 cm

45 gr
Rp 7,500.00
Kotak 4
K-4 Surprise Praline
8 x 8 x 3 cm

60 gr
Rp 12,000.00

Kotak 18
K-18 Special Gift
11 x 22 x 3 cm

230 gr
Rp 40,000.00
MCBX Mini Box
7 x 7 x 7 cm

16 x 15gr gr
Rp 18,000.00
MCB4 Mini Bar
12 x 5 x 1 cm

7 x 15gr gr
Rp 7,500.00
Kotak 18
K-18 Special Gift
11 x 22 x 3 cm

230 gr
Rp 40,000.00
Heart 1 pc
H-1 Love Heart (S)
8 x 8 cm

200 gr
Rp 25,000.00

Heart 1 pc
H-1 Love Heart (L)
16 x 16 cm

300 gr
Rp 35,000.00
Classic 400gr
TB-4 Medium Classic
13,5cm x 5,5 cm

400 gr
Rp 40,000.00
Oval Praline 450gr
TO-1 Flavour Oval
17 x 11,5 x 5,5 cm

450 gr
Rp 55,000.00
Oval Praline 450gr
TO-2 Classic Oval
17 x 11,5 x 5,5 cm

450 gr
Rp 55,000.00
CS-1 Chocolate Stick
15 cm 13 gr
(min. 100 pcs)
Rp 3,000.00/pc

Foiled Praline
AL-1 Pralines
d=2,5cm x 2 cm

(min. 100 pcs)
Rp 2.000.00/pc
Chocolate Set 2
PC-2 Praline Set 2
28,5 x 14 x 7 cm

2 x 500gr
Rp 135.000.00
Chcocolate Set 3
PC-3 Praline Set 3
42 x 14 x 7 cm

3 x 500gr
Rp 175.000.00
Chcocolate Set 4
PC-4 Praline Set 4
28,5 x 28,5 x 7 cm

4 x 500gr
Rp 200.000.00

World Chocolate Day

World Chocolate Day must be one of the best holidays in the world. It’s such a great idea. It could be the most celebrated holiday in the world. Everyone loves chocolate. It is probably the most popular food ever. It is also probably the most popular flavor in the world. No one knows where Chocolate Day came from. Perhaps it was a secret marketing campaign by chocolate makers. On this day, we celebrate our love for this sweet and spoil ourselves. Start the day with chocolate spread on your toast. Take a bag of chocolates to work and give them to your workmates; a bar of chocolate for your boss. Enjoy a piece of chocolate cake for dessert and wash it down with a mug of hot chocolate. You have another 364 days to lose the calories!

Chocolate comes from the seed of the tropical cacao tree. Cacao has been grown for thousands of years in Central America and Mexico. Historians believe chocolate was first produced in Mexico by the Aztecs. The word ‘chocolate’ comes from an Aztec word for a drink made from the cacao seed. The product of the cacao seed has a very bitter taste. The chocolate we know and love contains sugar, milk and milk powder. Chocolate contains chemicals that can be good for us. Scientists say it can lower our blood pressure and make us feel positive. It also gives us a tasty energy boost and makes our brain more active. It’s not all good news though. Too much chocolate can make us fat and give us tooth decay.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Chocolate Strawberries - The joy of Chocolate And Fresh Strawberries

Chocolate Strawberries - The joy of Chocolate And Fresh Strawberries

Chocolate strawberries may sound a bit strange to you that have not usually enjoyed it. In western countries, chocolate strawberries are one of the creations that combine a variety of chocolate delights chocolate and fresh strawberries. Generally, chocolate used was liquid chocolate that you can get by heating the chocolate bar then menghidangkannya with fruits, including storoberi.

Chocolate brown used must be high quality and exceptional in the form of white, milk or dark chocolate. Everything is very tasty when combined with strawberries. You can use chocolate that is "normal" or brown only, or you can try out your creations by using high quality chocolate from deChocola with dozens of flavors.

Chocolate strawberries are often served in a party and can cause long queues. Both children and adults really like a "chocolate fountain" which is already melted chocolate is pumped up into a shower and go down melt down, causing a scene that you can not refuse again and make you want to immediately menyicipinya.

Fresh fruits such as strawberries become the first choice, because the shape and the taste is very suitable to be combined with chocolate. Not infrequently a wedding reception included a chocolate fountain in it, and it became an attraction in itself. Lately a lot of wedding receptions in Indonesia, which always presents the chocolate fountain.

Chocolate strawberries can be served in warm, where the chocolate melts and can cause you not to hold your saliva, or can be served in a cold state. In cold conditions, where the chocolate has hardened and become "crispy", the food is not something that can easily be rejected by anyone because of taste and a very unique shape.

Chocolate, Bad or Good?

Chocolate, Bad or Good?

In answering a question that chocolate is just junk food, we must know the properties of chocolate first. Savor chocolate that includes:
1. chocolate was nutritious to make age a person becomes longer.
2. Preventing the risk of coronary heart disease and cancer.
3. Prevent premature aging that can occur due to pollution or radiation.
4. Can make people calm and make the feeling of being happy.
5. Lowering blood pressure.
6. Recent research suggests that cocoa may also have benefits for treating stroke.
Once we know the properties of chocolate, chocolate was very beneficial for health. The question now is what is contained in chocolate making chocolate can be beneficial for health? I will try to give a little review on the basis of the data that I get. It's good we also know the composition contained in chocolate.
The following composition contained in chocolate:
1. Stearic acid (35%) and palmitic acid (25%).
2. Oleat acid (35%) and linolenic acid (3%).
3. Sugar (sucrose).
4. Theobromine.
5. Polyphenols.
6. Phenyletylamine
7. Catechin.

An epidemiological study has been conducted at Harvard University students who enrolled between the years 1916-1950. By using a food frequency questionnaire collected information about the habits of eating candy or chocolate at Harvard University students. By controlling the physical activity undertaken, smoking, and eating habits found that those who love to eat candy / chocolate age older than one year are not eating. Allegedly phenol antioxidants contained in chocolate is the reason why they can outlive. Chocolate contains polyphenols in high enough quantities and can act as antioxidants. Phenolik compounds can reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing oxidation and deposition of fatty compounds in blood in blood vessels and damage the Low Density Lipoprotein Lipid (bad fats). Phenol is also found in red wine that is well known as the drink is good for heart health. Brown has the ability to inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and improve immune function, which can prevent the risk of coronary heart disease and kanker.Lemak in chocolate, often called cocoa butter, mostly composed of saturated fat (60%), especially stearic. But the brown fat is a vegetable fat which does not contain cholesterol. High stearate content of the chocolate is suppose to be the reason why brown fat is not as bad as animal fat. Has long been known that stearic acid is a neutral fat that will not trigger blood cholesterol. Why? Stearate was slowly digested by our bodies and also absorbed less. One third of fat contained in chocolate is oleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. Oleic acid is also predominantly found in olive oil. Epidemiological studies in Mediterranean populations who consume lots of olive oil is oleic acid oleic concluded positive effect for health jantung.Selain, the University of California researchers also found that flavan-3-ols, compounds found in chocolate may reduce risk of cardiovascular disease.
Wait for the posting of my next ... I requested comments from friends are all yes.



The year 2010 will soon expire, and the upcoming February valentine .., but hopefully compassion in our hearts not finished with the passage this day of love ...

TrulyChoco say a big thank you to all reseller either online or offline marketing products that help a lot valentine to the whole of Indonesia, among others:
Ms. Niken, Ms. Rachel, Ms. Ivo, and Kiki in Surabaya, mbak Ayin in Sidoarjo, Ms. Yenny in Tulungagung, Ms. Elly in Bojonegoro, Ms. Lisa in Bondowoso, Mr Blake in Semarang, Ms. Donna in Banten, Mrs. Ida in Kupang, Ma'am Yola in Bali, Ms. Elfin in Depok, mas Iwan and Ms. Tiffany in Jakarta, mbak Listya in Palangkaraya, Mrs. and Ms. Dessy sherra in Balikpapan, mother Nana in Napier, Ms. Ernawati in Batam, Ms. Lia and Ms. Wenty in Medan, Ibu Shinta in Palembang, mbak Lizha in Manado, and all resellers valentine Trulychoco that I have not mentioned.
Once again I thank you as much as possible on good cooperation, hopefully next year this cooperation can continue and more profitable for us all, Amiin ....

Here are some testimonials, feedback and comments given chocolate valentine reseller trulychoco 2010 edition via sms or email, I will consider all input, uh ya mbak smsnya all I ask permission to upload it here .. hopefully no objection :

from mbak Lisa Reseller Bondowoso: Penjualan coklat tahun ini bgs banget, aku juga kaget. Coklatnya mbak Yatie langsung habis tgl 15 feb. ngga ada masukan mbak, semua oke termasuk yang biru, makasi ya mbak? eh ya yang paling banyak laku puzzle dan love u honey mbak, Bagus sih.

from mbak Elly reseller Bojonegoro: mb.....makasie byk coklatnya mb....rame maw telp tp gak sempat mulu.... hehehehe...

from mbak Ernawati reseller Batam: coklatnya byk laris yg ada tulisan pny...karna sy kan dibatam coklat kbykan dr sgpore, jepang, mlysia gtu ngga da tulisan kaya gtu..kalo bisa tahun depan coklatny bs di tmbhin kta2nya gtu..he..he..dan bisa lbh byk rasa ky mint,lemon,bubble gum gt,tq

from mbak Listya di Palangkaraya: mb mksi brg dh nyampe dgn selamat :-) walaupun sempat delay 4 jam, brg dtg, lgsg dserbu, jdga sempet ngitung mb, he..he...coklatku ludez!msi tgl 10bj bwt dijual bsk, thx :-)

from bu Ida di Kupang: sore juga ibu. ada masukan dr yg lain, kalau bisa tulisan bs dipesan ato diganti nama mereka. yang paling laris yg coklat bar, loveu honey dan puzzle love. mlhn kemarin saya pesan kurang bu... byk yg lht bru mau tmbh lagi.thx

from mbak Tiffany di Jakarta: hi mbak...yg paling bnyk laku yg sll mbak..mungkin karena paling murah.. yg VPZ bnyk jg ko peminatnya.. ;)

from mbak Ayin sda:penjualan u valentine kmrn lbh banyak drpd tahun 2009, responny sangat bagus karena banyak pelanggan baru.

Chocolate Lolipop - Sweet Memories When CHILD

Chocolate Lolipop - Sweet Memories When CHILD

Chocolate is a chocolate lollipops are made with a mold and using a plastic rod (stick) as the handle. Usually the kids really liked the chocolate kind, because its funny and can be held on the handle, enjoy it while playing without any fear of dirty hands into the molten chocolate.

The mothers are often concerned with children's favorite eating chocolate. Though a good chocolate will not adversely affect the health of our children. So is the case with chocolate lollipops, provided that chocolate is made with quality ingredients.

Chocolate lollipops are both made using 100% cocoa butter, and instead of vegetable fat, although the price is chocolate with cocoa butter must be well above the price of chocolate use vegetable fat. Excess chocolate using 100% cocoa butter is, she did not leave the rest in between the teeth, because it is very easy to melt, so we do not have to worry about this type of chocolate will damage the teeth.

CHOCOLA by DeeDee at Central Park Mall provides chocolate lollipops with other forms such as ice lolly that is very popular kids, with a sense of cookies & cream, tiramisu, caramel crunch and original. Chocola Products ascertained by the owner, Yoko, use 100% cocoa butter that guarantee quality products.

Chocolate Christmas Gift - Greeting The Most Memorable Christmas Day

Chocolate Christmas Gift - Greeting The Most Memorable Christmas Day

Christmas Gift is a tradition for Christians throughout the world. Christmas gift can be goods whose price is not too expensive, but wrapped in a package all-round draw, to the goods whose price is highly preferred mahal.Yang in choosing not the price, but the attention to your loved ones.

our store which now comes in 5 outlets in Surabaya, which is at Central Park Mall, Food Hall Sency, Plaza Senayan, Kelapa Gading Mall and Grand Indonesia offers some special packages for Christmas and can be sent to you related friends as sent as gift or parcel. 

Christmas chocolate gift package is very attractive both in terms of taste and shape will begin to be booked early this December. Make sure you do not miss in selecting the most you like to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones.

You can choose different kinds of chocolate with a little common sense, such as mint, peanut butter, to taste a bit unique, but no less tasty like chocolate flavor Spicy Lime Chicken or Blackpepper. Everything is not forgotten tastes and pleasures.

Christmas Gift you can be booked in packages that have become, or you can order it yourself according to your taste and your budget. deChocola offers draft pick & pack, where you can choose chocolate taste what you like and mix was then made in one attractive package. Christmas Day you will increasingly not be forgotten.

Chocolate - Food of the Gods

 Chocolate - Food of the Gods

Chocolate is believed by the Aztecs as 'food of the gods'. Chocolate contains ingredients that are believed to affect the brain and nervous system also contains a substance called theobromine, which is similar to caffeine but in the lower levels. Theobromine Theobroma comes from the word meaning 'theo' is 'god' and 'brosi' is 'food', so that theobromine is defined as 'food of the Gods'.

Chocolate contains antioxidants (an enzyme that can prevent the formation of cancer cells) that is greater than the antioxidants found in red wine.

Brown is also believed to be aphrodisiac food, namely food additive passion, brings feelings of pleasure and joy in which to consume them. The secret is the combination of both these foods: a glass of red wine and a piece of dark chocolate.

Feel free to try, a glass of Cabernet and a piece of dark chocolate couverture. Enjoy, and feel the blend of red wine in your throat with a sensation of chocolate that melt in your mouth. The second sensation of pleasure and the food was definitely bring your sense of floating and flying high.

A piece of chocolate that 'so sweet and melted in your mouth' could melt the cold atmosphere is warm and very 'friendly' .... So, do not ever forget to bring chocolate that you buy when you visit the home of a friend or family, because a piece of chocolate can bring intimacy in every meeting.

Brown is now made in the form of diverse, adapted to the human desire for exploration and expression in the culinary arts. From the 'original Chocolates' which only contains cocoa mass, cocoa butter, sugar and milk, chocolate experts now add a variety of other flavors into the chocolate batter, thus create a world of chocolate is not limited.
Chocolate with herbs? It had never suspected that in fact it was well liked. Ginger, cinnamon, deaf (star anise), chili, sea salt, just a few herbs that have been widely used by Chocolatier in their test kitchen.

When you also a fan of chocolate, there's no harm in your spare time trying to be creative with couverture chocolate sold in stores their cakes and trying to be an 'expert chocolate' by adding a new sense of your own fantasy results. Who knows, with your homemade chocolate that your friends will increasingly feel the warmth of friendship with you.
How to Select Chocolate The Qualified?

There's so much chocolate on the market, from low cost to the price exorbitant. What exactly distinguishes, so the price can vary so much?

A good chocolate should be 'fresh', has a distinctive aroma of chocolate, because it uses high quality cocoa beans and 'real dairy butter', not too sweet because the content is more dominant than the brown sugar content, and use 'real flavor' of natural materials .

All the components that cause the price of a good chocolate can be much higher than low-quality chocolate. But the high price is certainly balanced by the pleasure obtained by the buyers. Therefore we need to be critical in determining where the chocolate that we will buy or use, because a wrong choice will cause disappointment in the future.

Express Your Love With Chocolate

Express Your Love With Chocolate

A delicious chocolate cake, delicious and healthy starts the process of selection of different chocolate will be used. Brown had chosen a good quality chocolate, 100% natural - not a cheap chocolate is usually mixed with other materials. Chocolate cake you get will not be a family favorite cake if chocolate is used instead of good chocolate.

White chocolate, milk chocolate or dark chocolate you can combine them into a cake batter that is unforgettable. Chocolate chip cookies are also very popular throughout the world and you can easily create with just less than 1 hour.

Chocolate cake with a well planned, ranging from the material, shape, and the combination will be the fight of your family. In addition to traditional forms such as chocolate chip cookies, you can experiment with adding chocolate batter in making a layer cake, layer cake surabaya, even a chocolate now widely used to shape the form of traditional cakes such as pia and many others.

With a little exploration of the soul, you can combine different kinds of chocolate in one batter. Chocolate chip cookies are one example. In the same dough you can combine pieces of pieces of white chocolate, milk chocolate or dark chocolate. The result ....? ... Unforgettable.

The more traditional chocolate cake can usually be found in the form of layer cake Surabaya, as well as a layer cake made from rice flour that is usually red, white and brown. Whatever your cake, be sure to choose a good quality chocolate and is made from 100% cocoa butter - not low-quality chocolate that uses a lot of chemical ingredients that tastes like real chocolate. Make your cake with great passion, because chocolate is one of the best ways to express your love to those people you love.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How to make Easter Chocolate for GIFT

This would be great video, please see and do-it-yourself. you can make easter chocolate for gift, also you can add any taste if you want

Sugarfree Chocolates - IDR 46000/pack

Sugarfree Chocolates - IDR 46000/pack 

You like chocolate? Maybe you agree with me when I say that 99.99% of people would like chocolate. But whether chocolate should be consumed diabetisi? Well ... this is a problem for diabetics because almost all sweetened brown sugar. Pure chocolate taste is bitter.I've posted an article titled Chocolate diabetes blood vessel repair work (02/10/2008). Post the article to get a comment from Dame Munthe (22/07/2009) as follows:"There is a special chocolate made without sugar so it can be drunk by pederita DM. Tk "I answered with the above comments:"I've seen without the sugar-made Belgian chocolates are sold at a conter at Sukarno-Hatta airport."At that time I can only give answers like the above without being able to give evidence. On September 18, 2009 that then when I want to going home, I happened to go to the airport Soekarno - Hatta bit early for fear of jammed streets, I finally arrived it was too early (accidental traffic of current). But just give me the opportunity to see some tenants at the airport. Finally I remembered I was never given an answer in my blog about chocolate without sugar, I went directly to the tenant where I've seen chocolate without sugar was sold.On that occasion I photograph 2 times with my cell phone camera and this is proof there is chocolate without sugar as I have said above.Chocolate without sugar is sold at KERIS tenants at Soekarno - Hatta. If you happen to be in the airport terminal F (terminal departure), after you check in you can go to the tenants KERIS, lies before you go to the waiting room, you turn left (to your right going to the lounge Citibank), tenants located KERIS on the right after Starbucks cafe tenants.Well ... this is the photo of chocolate without sugar is sold at Rp. 46.000/pack.Unsweetened chocolate made in Belgium mentioned above, available in several flavors such as that seen in the photo above milk chocolate flavor, which is written only dark chocolate (dark chocolate is usually very good for people with heart disease).Belgium is very famous for its chocolate, I happened to have visited him in 2002. At that time I have not had diabetes, so time was delicious just eaten any chocolate. But thankfully my favorite food is turned out there that are made without sugar, so I still have a chance to enjoy it.

[Recipe] White Chocolate Cake

White Chocolate Cake Recipe


For the cake: 
310g plain flour
5g baking soda
2g baking powder
3g salt
170g white chocolate, chopped
120ml hot water
225g butter, softened
300g caster sugar
3 eggs
235ml buttermilk

For the icing:
200g white chocolate, chopped
20g plain flour
235ml milk
225g butter, softened
200g caster sugar
5ml vanilla extract

  1. Preheat the oven to 350F/175C/Gas Mark 4.
  2. Grease two 9inch round cake tins.
  3. In a bowl sieve together the flour, baking soda, baking powder and the salt.
  4. In a small pan mix together the white chocolate and hot water over a low heat until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is smooth, leave to cool to room temperature.
  5. In a bowl mix together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
  6. Add eggs one at a time beating well.
  7. Stir in the flour mixture and buttermilk alternately.
  8. Mix in the melted chocolate.
  9. Put the cake batter into the cake tins and bake for approximately 30 minutes.
  10. Use a fork to see if the cake is cooked, if it comes out clean then it’s ready, if it has some batter on it, cook it for a little longer.
  11. When cooked take out of the tins and cool on a wire rack.
  12. For the icing, in a pan, add the chocolate, flour and milk and melt over a medium heat, stirring constantly, until it is thick and creamy. Allow to cool completely.
  13. In a bowl mix together the butter, sugar and vanilla extract until light and fluffy.
  14. Mix in the white chocolate mixture and beat until it’s thick and creamy.
  15. Spread between the two layers of cake and over the top and sides of the cake.

 There you have it, your delicious, white chocolate cake. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

[article] The Power of Tradition

The Power of Tradition

The young husband obviously loved to cook and the dinners he served his new wife convinced her that she was indeed a lucky woman.

One thing puzzled her, though, and at last she decided to enquire. “Darling, why do you always cut a small piece off the end of the roast before you put it into the oven?”

“Well,” he replied, “to tell the truth, I do it because my mother always does it.”

At the next family gathering, the wife decided to satisfy her curiously. She drew her mother in law aside and put the question to her. The older woman went a bit red, and replied, ...“Well, to tell the truth, I do it because my mother always does it.”

Undaunted, the wife waited until they paid a visit to eighty five - year old Nan. Knowing she’d enjoy hearing the story, she told her about her persevering quest to find the answer to the chopped off roast.

“Struth” she croaked. “Imagine the two of them doing that! Why, I only cut the piece off because my pan was too small”

[article] Read the Joke

“ Read the Joke “

A duke was hunting in the forest with his men-at-arms and servants when he came across the tree. Upon it, archery targets were painted and smack in the middle of each was an arrow.

    “Who is this incredibly fine archer?” cried the duck. “I must find him!”

After Continuing through the forest for a few miles he came across a small boy carrying a bow and arrow. Eventually the boy admitted that it was he who shot the arrows plumb in the center of all the target.

    “You didn’t just walk up to the targets and hammer the arrows into the middle, did you?” asked the duke worriedly.

    “No, my lord. I shot them from a hundred paces. I swear it by all that I hold holy.”

    “That is truly astonishing,” said the duke. “I hereby admit you into my service.” The boy thanked him profusely.

     “But I must ask one favor in return,” the duke continued.

     “You must tell me how you came to be such an outstanding shot.”

     “Well,” said the boy, “first I fire the arrow at the tree . . . and then I paint the target around it.”

[article] Looking for a Ring

Looking for a Ring

There was a toolshed beside Nasreddin’s house. The shed, where he kept his tools, had no window at all. So, it was always dark inside although it was day. But there was a lamp at the corner outside.

One night Nasreddin went into the tool shed to get a ladder. When he was taking a ladder from its place, he dropped his ring. He left the ladder inside and went out of the shed.

Outside he started looking for the ring. He couldn’t find it even though he had been searching for quite a long time. His friend saw him searching for something and ap-proached him. He asked, “What are you looking for, Nasreddin?”

“I’m looking for my ring. I just dropped it,” he answered while he continued searching.

“Let me help you. By the way, where did you drop it?” asked his friend.

“Inside the shed,” he answered as he pointed to the shed.

His friend was surprised and said, “Why, don’t you look for it inside the shed?”

“Are you kidding? Inside the shed it is very dark. I cannot see anything there. How can I find it? It is very bright here because of the lamp. So I’m sure I’ll see my ring here,“ explained Nasreddin.

[article] Highway Panic

Highway Panic

A young woman had a long drive ahead of her that night. She pulled into a service station to refuel, then went inside to pay and buy herself some gum and potato chips. As she drove off, a huge truck pulled out behind her.

Out on the highway once again, the girl realized that the truck was very close behind, uncomfortably close. She stepped on the accelerator, but to her dismay, the truck driver accelerated too.

‘I must imagining this,’ she thought, trying not to panic. Yet whether she slowed down, changed lanes or speeded up, the truck stayed with her, its big headlights shining straight into her car.

Unable to stand it any longer, the girl turned into the next station she came to. The truck pulled off the highway right on her tail, jamming on the brakes, she jumped out and raced to the driver’s side of the truck.

At the same moment, a man leapt out of the back of her car where he had been crouching ever since the last stop. The truck driver was too quick for him and caught him just as he tried to make it to the open field behind the station.

Later, after the police had come, the driver went over to the young woman. ‘I saw him jump into your car just before you came out of the station back there, but there was no time to warn you before you drove off. The only thing I could think of was to stick so close to you with my high beams flooding your car so that he’d know I’d see him if he tried to do anything to you’

All she could say, with a mighty sigh of relief, was, ‘And here I was wondering how I was going to shake off a crazed truck driver’